About Offshore for Sure 


The aim of the Offshore for Sure project is to advance five promising energy solutions (including wave energy convertors, tidal current turbines, energy storage and offshore floating solar) and enhance their applicability in the energy system. The project’s objective is to accelerate the energy transition at sea and drive the sustainable blue economy in collaboration with knowledge institutions, regional, and societal organizations.  

Role of Oceans of Energy in Offshore for Sure 

Oceans of Energy is one of the five technology developers in the project and will install and operate a floating solar farm in an existing wind farmto optimize integration of the two complementary renewable energy profiles.   


It is expected that the Offshore for Sure will accelerate the energy transition at Sea by advancing the five innovative energy solutions, and in parallel increase support in the domains: certification, education, and policy & public engagement.  

Financial support 

Offshore for Sure is managed by Bluespring and receives funding from the Interreg Flanders-Netherlands program 2021-2027, co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund.  Also the Ministry of Economic Affairs of NL, Waddenfonds, VLAIO, Province of Zeeland, Province of East-Flanders, Province of North Brabant,  and the Province of South Holland are offering financial support. Other partners are Dutch Wave Power, Tocardo, FLASC, Water2Energy, World Class Maintenance, International Marine & Dredging Consultants, Ecopower, Rijkswaterstaat, Parkwind, Deftiq, University of Ghent, HOWEST, and the Zeeland Environmental Federation. 

For the latest news go to the Offshore for Sure project website in Dutch or English or follow on LinkedIn